Friday, January 30, 2009

The Old Fool Wants to Fly High Once Again

The time has arrived, so let this new journey begin. I must stretch every day now. That is my number one daily task. I need to stretch daily anyway to help and try and keep my bad back as limber as I can. I have been riding my bicycle daily, with a few longer rides every now and then to the south end to my mailbox and to get beer etc... at the Corner Store, and I have been walking my goats out to graze and so forth every day so my body is in relatively good health. The bad back is a permanent weakness that I just have to deal with, and it may be the thing that ends up prohibiting me from obtaining my goal of slam dunking on a 10' rim. Or maybe my attempt at achieving my goal will be what ultimately heals my back. I'd like to date a hot young female yoga instructor. I would be her very best student and she could show me the proper positions and exercises to strengthen and stretch my tight and twisted body. And there are even a few girls around here that meet all of the proper qualifications and expertise I am looking for. It never hurts to dream. Included on tomorrows agenda is the job of putting up the new basketball net (1 of 2) my moms sent me this winter. If the weather is nice I'll most definitely shoot a few baskets. I need to check the mail and I ran out of tea (my usual source of caffeine for the past 3 years) so a bike ride south is probably in the works, hopefully tomorrow weather depending. Its hard for me to wake up without tea or coffee and I hate to ride my bike on these narrow roads while in a sleepy daze. With all the chores I have to do everyday and with the short winter days its hard to find time for everything I always want to do. I am hoping the passion will give me inner strength to do what I have to do to give a full effort in an attempt to achieve my goal. Waking up early everyday for a year is one possible example. Stop drinking beer? Never. It is a secret to my power. Big B. and Hammer and I sometimes used to refer to it as "8 Drunkard Style" after an old Kung Fu movie. My blogs may be more like regular blogs (following my year of recommitting myself to the art of slam dunking) for a while as I let the old Dubuque and ICE stories brew in my head.

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